The word secret is from the Latin secretus, which means a secluded place, retreat, that is, it is something chosen to be kept or that are little known, a limited number of people may know, as an example of this are the codes of a safe or from a security bank, the information in the documents about some business negotiations, the corridors or the hidden hiding places that some old buildings used to use, are things that are considered secret that should not be revealed.
This refers to a controlled, reserved, impenetrable domain that only close people can know or possess such information.
In these cases, it can be related to a variety of sects or secret societies such as The Illuminatis, The Rosicrucians, The Masons, The Reptilians, which although mythical have a current relevance. A secret is the power that is given to something, which should not be known or transmitted to anyone else, be it a thought, emotions, ailments or illness that only one person carries with them and that does not reveal to anyone, it is a personal secret.
They are also actions or decisions that are not disclosed to third parties, as is the case in the presidential elections of a country, the vote of the citizen is secret, this is called free and secret suffrage. The secret to being something kept with reserve, suspicion and secrecy, taking care that it does not transcend in time and that non-relatives can find out or cause damage, as is the case of the old families that belonged to a society, hiding experiences relevant facts, to ensure the good prestige of the name and family status, especially if it was a situation of shame and intimacy.
There are difficult places to find and to discover where papers, valuables such as works of art, money, large jewelry boxes, a hiding place in a room where the owner of the house knew, this is attributed to the safes where the combination is only owned by the owner or if they have a key that is the combination of the lock that can open it.
At present, all kinds of news information is handled, which comes under scrutiny until it is disclosed, such as the secret of a new cell phone manufacture and its latest generation applications, this is called a trade secret, it is also known to professional secrecy which is one that, when disclosed, may damage the image and reputation of someone of importance, such as former President Bill Clinton and a White House employee Monica Lewinsky.
In everyday expressions the word secret is used as an indicative that should not be said, but the expression open secret refers to when something that nobody is supposed to know, but that in the end everyone supposed to be true, the clergymen have the fulfillment of keep a confession secret from a person who confesses to them.
In the State of Government, a critical, political and diplomatic situation is known as secret , which should not be disclosed, since if it is disclosed, a crime of treason is incurred.