The royal academy determines that the word senescence as "period of human life that follows maturity" and comes from the Latin "senectus, -ūtis" which is called "old age" or "condition" of the stage of life in which the "senex" is found especially as "iuventus" which means "youth" the condition of "iuvenis". Senectud refers to the stage of life of individuals, which begins between 60 and 65 years of age, where the specification of the third age is an anthropic-social term that refers topopulation of elderly or elderly entities. During this period, the body deteriorates and, consecutively, it is synonymous with old age and old age, in which it is a group of the population that is retired and 65 years of age or older.
The senescence in the first stage is often referred to him as "children", meanwhile the second stage or age is known as adult, in this case, in the senescence no biological parameters accurate that determines when an individual exits one age and enters the other, because vital development is a progressive and continuous process. But as you age, a number of physiological changes take place, involving most of the body's methods.
From the age of 65, the elderly can access their retirement and become economically taxpayers, when they begin that stage they stop producing and receive a pension for the work they did for many years and that is where that situation would allow them have free time, where they can take greater advantage according to the state of health.