The sense of belonging is the pleasure that a person has to feel like a member of a group. The sense of belonging begins in the family, since it represents the first group to which the person belongs. A subject to the faithful be interested in a group and the fully meet your standards, ends up adopting an identity and security, which over time will be strengthened, making you feel the most confident person, thereby raising their social feelings that make be more willing to continue with the rules of coexistence.
An example of a sense of belonging is the bond between a worker and the company where they work, in this case, the worker will feel identified with the values and objectives of the company in such a way that they would be willing to defend it before anyone.
Another example is the relationship between a subject and his country. The place where the person is born, raised and educated can generate a sense of belonging that leads him to identify with his other countrymen and wish the good of his nation.
People as social beings are aware that being part of a group helps them raise their self-esteem and feel recognized. The sense of belonging at the social level can be presented in many ways: feeling part of a country, a political belief, a religion, a family, etc.
Countries have long promoted a sense of belonging among their citizens. For every nation it is important to feel supported and defended by its members. Valuing their customs, their religion, etc., makes every country feel strengthened. Every citizen should feel proud of the land where they were born, regardless of the difficulties that may arise, you should never forget that that piece of land welcomed you at birth and therefore deserves to be loved, take care of and be respected in spite of everything.
Those who do not have a developed sense of belonging will feel that they are in the wrong place, in a place where they do not want to be. Belonging gives security and self-esteem, so whoever does not have this value should evaluate themselves.