As a session, we know the period in which a certain activity occurs, such as: movie session, photo session, therapy session, among others. Similarly, the session can refer to the holding of a conference or consultation between several people to determine one thing.
In the legislative context, when one of the houses that make up the Congress or Parliament has to meet and debate a bill, a session will be held. In the sessions, all the representatives of the city will have their time to express their opinion and analysis on the topics discussed, and once the debate is closed, the corresponding vote will be held in which everyone will also have the opportunity to present their vote.
The sessions are very important meetings since they are the laws that will govern the destiny of a country. Meanwhile, these sessions to distinguish between: ordinary, which are those that are stipulated in the law, it is to be expected that they will happen, while the extraordinary ones are called when some important matters were not resolved in the ordinary sessions and that are fundamental to find a resolution.
In the entertainment world, it is used very frequently and is synonymous with acting. Specifically in the theater, two performances are held on the same day and each one is called a session. Something similar happens in the cinema, showing a film in different sessions, from afternoon to night. The same is true in the world of circus, dance or music. There is a peculiarity in the artistic sessions. On the one hand, they are repetitions, but each one is different. For this reason, there are spectators who attend a play or show several times, since they know that each of them is different.
Another uniqueness is the fact that there are two types of people involved: the protagonists and the spectators. Each plays a role, although both are the participants in a session.
In the context of medicine, it is very common to carry out long treatments over time and each of them is a session. Similarly, this word is used in beauty treatments. The number of sessions is associated with the characteristics of the problem to be treated. In any case, in this area we try to reduce the number of sessions, because in this way the potential client will have more interest in following a treatment and it is predictably cheaper.
And in the conspicuous context of the internet, the term session is used to designate entry, login, to a site, to email. It appears with the login name and you must fill in the space in question with the username and password.