The sexology is an area of psychology which studies from different approaches, behavior and sexual anatomy of humans. Due to its complexity, the process of sexual reproduction in men and women requires the adaptation of its own field of study, where the causes and forms of sexual reproduction are investigated, as well as the psychological or physical deviations around the matter, including, taking a short walk through the history of sexology, the first texts and statements of the terms were used to study and monitor erroneous behaviors according to the norm established by society, such as homosexuality, sadism, malformation of genitalia, asexual behaviors, among others.
The main task of sexology today is from the psychological point of view, there is a diversity of couple problems which are attacked by therapeutic sexology, a space in which they solve situations such as erectile dysfunction, nymphomania, lack of sex, sadism and many more problems. Sexology is applied in early childhood education with the aim of establishing in the little student, moral and ethical principles around the subject of sex, in this field, didactic tools are used that emphasize the importance of the family, contraceptive methods, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and many other aspects which must be addressed from this age to ensure a good development of consciousness.
Sexology also serves as a post-traumatic tool in situations where a person's sexual integrity is violated. The rape or sexual abuse perpetrated against a woman is the best example to describe this function, in most cases, the victim is so affected that psychological therapy is necessaryto overcome the event and sexual therapy in the event that reintegration in the field of intimacy is difficult. These are long, complex processes that constantly vary in execution and tools, since their delicate condition and treatment warn whoever applies it that the sexual personality is seriously affected and that the response to said treatment varies according to the magnitude of the trauma, the sexology It has come a long way in that field, fortunately, positive results are obtained in most cases.