The word sexting is a neologism taken from the English language made up of the English voices "sex" and "texting"; Sexting refers to the sending of messages with pornographic and / or erotic content through cell phones. In other words, it is the act of issuing extremely explicit messages that include lewd or debauched content through a mobile phone; However, for some time, sexting also includes sending and receiving videos and photographic images, which are also known as “selfies”, where people show their sexual parts.
This act is becoming more and more common among those who own mobile phones, and nowadays with smartphones, because through them they can send any type of content and files, which can include one or more people; and it should be noted that regardless of the age of the people, it is a phenomenon that is increasing; Nowadays, even famous figures have come to light posing in order to send photographs of this type.
The first appearances of the term sexting date back to 2005 in the Sunday Telegraph newspaper, since then it has been manifested in different parts of the world, of course with greater boom in Anglo-Saxon countries such as New Zealand, United States of America, United Kingdom Kingdom and Australia. In 2008, a survey was conducted within the US campaign for the prevention of adolescent pregnancy, which showed that this type of act spread rapidly along with other similar behaviors online among adolescents.
El sexting puede acarrear diversos riesgos dado a que al enviar este tipo de imágenes, textos y videos puede significar que sea visto por muchas personas y así llegar a perder el control sobre este y luego equivaldría un daño mayor, como un daño emocional porque podría deteriorar la reputación de una persona.