It can be said that silence is the lack of sound of something or someone in its entirety, in certain cases this can be of benefit, since it allows you to take a pause time to reflect on things and thus have a better perspective of the objectives you have and how to get what you want. This term derives from the Latin "silentium" referring to the absence of sounds or the abstinence from speaking. In addition, silence is considered as a resource that can be used while a communication of any kind is being used.
When a person is in the middle of a conversation, silence can be interpreted in different ways, either as a punctuation in a sentence or to have a dynamic charge, then it can be said that in a conversation two types of speech can be distinguished. silence, the first is objective silence, which is nothing more than the lack of noise without any specific meaning, on the other hand there is subjective silence, this is a pause in which one reflects or also to highlight the importance of what was said before or after the break.
Another context in which this term can be used is in the musical field, since it is also part of the musical arts, together with musical notes, which in this case are the representation of sound, each musical note has a Its own silence, which can be variable in its duration, this is represented with pauses within the musical representation.
Another area in which silence is used is to describe what is known as the law of silence that despite its name, it can be said that it is more like a norm used in society since it is not a true law, This rule was very frequently used as a method to punish inmates in prisons, it consisted of not allowing other inmates to speak to him or emit any type of noise for long periods of time either day or night, knowing that if the law was broken they would be severely punished.