It is an easy-to-use, removable card that has improved and modernized communication in high-tech, pocket-size mobile systems that is composed of a variety of integrated circuits that have microprocessors and memory, with availability in its 4 sizes that are the standard credit card type 1ff card, the mini SIM 2ff, the micro SIM 3ff and the nano SIM 4ff.
Being a technological concept with an application and management of data information as internal and external, allowing selectively to generate a storage process of certain selection of data, which when using it is analyzed for an adequate plan in the use of strategies marketing that should work permanently and not intermittently.
With the adequate support of technology, an efficient SIM can be developed, with a useful value in the use of communications, data storage, and commercial management, which can achieve better performance in the future.
This device does not work by itself, since it does not have a battery and its energy is obtained from the card readers. The new avant-garde cell phones, with an impressive technology such as the IPhone 5, the Nokia Lumia or the Samsung, use it in its smallest version such as the nano SIM, which can use two SIMs at the same time with two different numbers.
Among its most outstanding characteristics are that it must allow the storage of data, such as a history monitoring, with a friendly interface connectivity, having a superior security of saved data by allowing a connection with the different operators, information management type documentation, fax, printing, gives you a large capacity of number of records without affecting your performance.