
What is simvastatin? »Its definition and meaning


Simvastatin is a drug belonging to the group of statins, it is used in the treatment for reducing the cholesterol of low density lipoproteins (LDL) considered "bad" cholesterol, and triglycerides in the blood. Its use also allows the increase of high-density lipoproteins (HDL) (good cholesterol).

Simvastatin acts as an inhibitor of HMG-CoA reductase. Its function is to delay the production of cholesterol and thus decrease the amount of it that is accumulated in the walls of the arteries, blocking the circulation of blood that goes to the heart, brain and other parts of the body.

Simvastatin is presented for sale in tablets of 10mg, 20mg, 40mg and 80mg, to be taken orally. It should be taken once a day, preferably at night and it is recommended to always do it at the same time.

Another recommendation is that when starting treatment with simvastatin, the patient follow an adequate diet to lower cholesterol.

It is important to note that if the person suffers from coronary heart disease, diabetes or has a history of cerebrovascular accidents (CVA), receiving treatment with simvastatin will help prolong their life, since it will reduce the risk of suffering a heart attack or a stroke.

The most advisable thing in addition to consuming this medicine is to lead a healthy life, maintain a low-fat diet, visit your doctor regularly and keep a constant cholesterol check.

Some of the reactions that the application of this treatment could cause are: headache, constipation, stomach pain, nausea.