
What is society? »Its definition and meaning

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Society is a set of living beings with a degree of consciousness, brought together to create strategies or maintain an order of approaches to meet common objectives. It is a space in which a certain number of subjects are gathered, regardless of what they do, think or plan. The definition speaks of the term as a conglomeration of subjects belonging to the same species. The unknown about what it is in itself goes beyond just being a group of people.

What is a society

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It is a group of people with a common purpose and governed by certain rules. It can be a town, city or country, sharing certain criteria such as language, history, among other aspects. Mexican society is defined by its idiosyncrasy, it differs from other nearby countries by its traditions, customs, forms of expression and its well-known gastronomy. It will differ from the other according to the aspects mentioned and many others.

It can be on a larger or smaller scale, since, for example, an organization or foundation with a common good is also known as a society. On a smaller scale, the smallest and the first that man will meet, is the family, which is considered as the basis of it.

Its functions are: to form a territory, without it, the limits and differences between one geographical area and another could not be established; its structure, which allows establishing relationships between those who comprise it; and, by owning a significant number of people, society and culture create a bond, building a collective social mind. Its etymology comes from the Latin societas, made up of: socius ("ally", "partner").

Company classes

Human society

It is the environment of man when he lives with other individuals, so he will be part of a population. It refers exclusively to the union of men in a group, developing activities that are part of the distinctive characteristics of other similar social groups.

The man will be the main actor in the construction, development and transformation of this group, being an active member in it. It makes use of natural resources adapting them to its needs to supply itself with shelter, food and clothing, and over the years, other needs that have arisen.

Characteristics of the society

It is characterized by:

  • It is made up of families.
  • It is the habitat of man.
  • Among its smaller structures: organizations, educational institutions, governments, religious groups and other groups of people with various purposes.
  • Each of its members in one way or another influences the other.
  • It is made up not only by individuals, but by a series of knowledge about economics, politics, among other aspects. Society and culture are also fundamental characteristics for their identity.

Evolution of society

Societies have constantly evolved. In ancient times groups of people were given by blood bond as tribes, sharing customs; activities such as hunting, fishing, agriculture; religious or mythological beliefs; among other. Technology in society has played an important role, since with the progress of the first, it has influenced the development and growth of the second, taking advantage of technological progress for its comfort.

Due to the explorations and the diversification of commercial activities, they grew and interconnected, leaving more and more the traditional society, which governed itself through a chief as in the case of tribes and small communities. With the arrival of the industrial revolution, industrial society made its way, also seeing the birth of the cultural industry, which was the stage of production that this community experienced while men were generating more knowledge, taking advantage of it for the common good.

With the arrival of new technologies and the Internet, we currently live in a world where the customs and routines of its individuals have been transformed, as they are part of man's habitual life. It allowed barriers such as distance to be broken down, creating new groups that are also considered societies, among other positive impacts; On the other hand, it has experienced the disappearance of privacy, a tendency towards the addiction of these technologies and, since it is available to any individual, it can fall into the hands of people for unscrupulous purposes.

Social reality

The current social reality has little or nothing to do with those of other times. We live in a world characterized by a decline in birth rates and an increase in life expectancy, a palpable demographic concentration in large cities, the incorporation of women into the labor market, the rise of the middle class, the development of the leisure society, modernization of communication and transportation systems, diversity of types of families.

Animal society

This is determined by the interaction that an animal has with other members of the same species. This term will prevail if there are social activities that keep them communicated, such as mating rituals, associations of the most adult of the groups and relationships between some of their members.

There is a variety of this type of association, such as those made during the breeding season; during mating; those that are carried out with some common objective without there being active cooperation among its members; or full cooperation, for example, in the case of colonies of ants or bees.

Types of economic societies

Civil society

It is a group of autonomous organizations of the State; made up of individuals who, exercising their role as citizens belonging to a specific community, act collectively, developing actions that generate an impact or positive response in the public context. Without the existence of this kind of association, a democratic form of government would be impossible. This is made up of social classes, non-governmental organizations and the church.

Anonymous society

It is a legal entity made up of shareholders, that is, they gather a capital, which must be contributed by all of them under a specific amount. This causes that the responsibility of each active part within the organization is limited. The management of the corporation rests in the direction of 3 members of the same who elect by voting a manager and a president who manages or takes the reins of said institution.

Cooperative Society

It is made up of people from the working class and their contribution is limited to work issues. But it is possible that there are some that offer job services. This must have at least 10 partners for its formation, having a varied capital and equality between each member. Its purpose is not commercial but with a view to the social and economic welfare of its employees.

Commercial society

It carries out commercial operations relevant to commercial law, with the aim of having economic benefits, unlike civil associations. In the same way, this type of association is characterized by having a nominative character and its personality is of a legal type and has its own heritage, which they focus on to achieve the objectives set. This can be called a corporation.

Limited liability company

The participation of each partner will be limited to the amount of capital contributed. The limited association has between 2 and 50 partners and in the event that this number is exceeded, it will become a collective with totally unlimited liability. Its administration in all the partners by agreement and not by vote, which means that each decision taken must be made unanimously.

Simple limited partnership

Very little used today. In it, there are limited partners who, in practice, are responsible for providing the capital of the limited partnership, while the managing partners are those who manage it. Pharmacies tend to be the classic example of this type of organization, since the limited partner was the chemist and the manager who provided the resources. The characteristics of the limited partnership are basic, the main one being the capital contribution.

Society in collective name

Each partner responds unlimitedly to the capital, which can put the assets at risk at the time of a legal conflict. Its validity is based on its legislation that regulates each of the characteristics of this organization in the collective name. There is no specific number for it, so its members are unlimited.

Examples of companies

There are associations in various fields and according to common hobbies, such as the case of the film “The Society of Dead Poets”, which describes a group of young people who join a club that promotes poetry and freedom of thought; Another example is the Real Sociedad de Fútbol club, which is a football association.

Another example is the corporations, as the case of a company; a pharmacy as an example of a simple limited partnership; conjugal partnership, when goods are joined in the marriage; or traditional society, such as a tribe.

Frequently Asked Questions about Society

When does a society exist?

It occurs when several individuals share a common goal, governed by the same parameters and norms. They share aspects such as language and culture.

What is the knowledge society?

It is the group of people who take knowledge as an object for their development, so it will facilitate the way in which each of its members can generate and disseminate knowledge.

What is a conjugal partnership?

It is the community of patrimonies in which it is irrelevant which of the two spouses has acquired them from the moment they got married.

What is the consumer society?

They are those that are governed under a capitalist system where products and services are massively consumed, since there is a large amount of production.

What is the information society?

It is the process in which all the actors in a society evolve in their way of developing due to the constant use of information and communication technologies.