As defined, the entry Suna means "book of the Muslims, containing the sayings and deeds of Muhammad," that is, the Koran. In Arab culture, the word has the literal meaning of "path traveled", that is, it relates the paths that were followed by the Prophet Muhammad, from which different traditions that govern Islam arose. In turn, suna presents a terminological meaning indicating all approvals by the prophet Muhammad, sayings and achievements of the first prophet in more than 20 years working as a divine messenger; Therefore, everything that surrounds his life in the form is known as the Sunnah, which should be practiced and followed by Muslims according to the traditionsimplemented. An example of this would be, the demonstration of morality in the people practicing the pilgrimage, is the "hadith", which is known as the records that have been validated during the path of the prophet.
The importance of the Sunnah is of enormous value to Muslims, because unexpectedly, only the Koran was lost in faith; these types of Muslims consider it a secondary source, but no less important. In this religion it is considered that the direct word of Allah is the holy Koran in conjunction with the Sunnah, together they make up the path found by Muhammad to spread, teach and apply Islam in the Arab lands.
The information contained in Suna, is offered in various editions of books such as Sunan Abu Dawood, Sunan Ibn Mayah The Sunan Attirmidhi, the Sunan An-Nasai the Sahih Muslim and the Sahih Bukhari. Such literary works together, form the body of laws of Islam, and the policies to be followed by adherents of the religion, whether in the Middle East or any other practicing Islamist nation.