
What is tissue? »Its definition and meaning


The word woven etymologically comes from the Latin “texere”; other sources state that it derives from the participle of “weaving”. The famous dictionary of the Spanish Royal Academy has several meanings for the word woven, which among them are: texture of a fabric, which is the result of the union of numerous threads or fibers, thus forming a resistant, flexible and elastic sheet; Regarding this type of fabrics, you can find shuttle or warp and weft fabric that is formed from a succession of threads that are intertwined perpendicularly. In countries like Argentina and Uruguay, a fabric is that metallic cloth destined for certain uses. In theanatomy, zoology and biology is understood by tissue, the grouping of similar cells that generally have a common embryonic origin that make up the structure of a given organ to develop certain specialized activities.

There are two types of tissues which are animal tissues and plant tissues. animal tissues are those groups of numerous similar cells to fulfill a particular function, said tissues are made up of cells and the extracellular matrix produced by them. Animal tissues are distributed in:

Muscle tissue: composed of a series of elongated cells, called muscle fibers, which are characterized by the presence of a large number of specific cytoplasmic filaments. This type of tissue is responsible for body movements; Among the muscular tissues we can find: smooth muscle tissue, striated or skeletal muscle tissue and cardiac muscle tissue.

Nervous tissue: made up of the bodies of nerve cells or neurons and their extensions, but also by glial cells; forming each of the organs of the nervous system; therefore it can be said that among the nervous tissues are: neurons and neuroglia.

Epithelial tissue: this is the one that is found on underlying accumulations of connective tissue, in these tissues the cells are closely linked together, creating continuous sheets. Epithelial tissues include: lining epithelium, glandular epithelium, and sensory epithelium

Connective tissue: this type of tissue formed by poorly differentiated cells, cells quite separated from each other, with a jelly-like matrix, among its classes can be mentioned: adipose tissue, cartilage tissue, bone tissue, hematopoietic tissue, blood tissue, tissue conjunctive.

on the other hand, there are the plant tissues, which are those formed by eukaryotic plant-type cells, these cells are united with each other to form solid groups that have some role in common. Plant tissues are classified into:

Growth tissue: whose main function is to divide by mitosis continuously; These are also known as "meristems".

Protective tissue: these include those that form the outer layer of a plant, whose function is to protect the plant from possible external agents.

Support tissue: these are the hard plant tissues that make up the skeleton of plants and keep them upright.

Parenchymal tissue: its main function is the nutrition of the plant; these tissues predominate in most plant organs forming a continuous tone.

Conductive tissue: they are responsible for transporting the necessary nutrients between the different elements of a plant, they are characterized by being the most complex of the plant.

Secretory tissue: these are tissues whose cells produce certain substances, such as gums, essences, resins, among others.

Meristematic tissue: which are responsible for plant growth, their cells are characterized by being small, polyhedral in shape, with thin walls and small and abundant vacuoles.