This was a series and fighting video game which was released in 1994 for recreating machines and the following year (1995) for PlayStation. Later it was relaunched as Tekken 5. The development and publication of Tekken is Damco (Empresa Japanese responsible for distributing software in what is the field of video games to level world, for 2005 merges becoming a company well known and important all of Japan).
Tekken is a pioneering franchise in the world of 3D games. This video game differs from others as it dedicates each of the limbs of the character or figure chosen to fight, on each key or button; for example: by pressing the button "up" and "right leg", the player will know in advance that his character will launch a high kick with the right leg.
The game lets fight in two rounds, however the player has the option to fight or fight up to five consecutive opportunities, can also choose the time duration of each of them and if before finishing time fighter retains their lives the game is rated ¨ Perfect¨. Tekken also allows you to choose the place of combat, in the lower right and these places are focused on real life places such as: Angkor Wat Cambodia), Szechwan (China), Monument Valley (USA) Chicago (USA), Kyoto (Japan), Fidj, Windermere (Great Britain), Venice (Italy), Acropolis (Greece), Reu Jorge Island (Antarctica), and Chiba Marine Stadium (Japan).
The sequels of tekken are already 8 thanks to the great popularity that it gained worldwide and especially in the martial arts community, it received many positive comments and it positioned itself among one of the most sought after by young people.