
What is temporality? »Its definition and meaning


It is a term that shows two uses in our language. On the one hand, when we want to express the transience that people observe in life, it is common for us to use this word; and, on the other hand, it designates what is profane, rather than what is religious.

it refers to locating a situation, a process, in a historical sequence; build your own time; relate the matter to the present from which it is interrogated; take charge of what of past events remains in the present; and of the future that we are foreshadowing and building in the present.

Temporal is to problematize the experience of becoming: the past no longer exists, except that we are bringing it to the present for a specific interest or question. The future is not there yet, except that we are trying to build or forecast from the present. And the present is fleeting and elusive. Temporalizing implies establishing a relationship between the passage of time, human action and the transformation of the social world, as well as with the conceptual instruments with which we intend to know them. This theme, characteristic of history and philosophy, is of special interest from the point of view of conceptual analysis in sociology.

There are two temporalizing forms of experience: duration, which refers to the passage of time and can have different lengths; and simultaneity, which is the succession and singularity and unrepeatability of the event. All these experiences about time affect how we periodize, how we represent time, how we characterize past events or intend to predict or foreshadow future events, and also how we discriminate which concepts will be most fruitful.

If the historicization of a concept requires a deep knowledge of complex, interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary events, which constitute the historical, cultural and epistemological context in which a concept functions and is used -which implies great difficulty-, its temporalization can provide an axis for organizing information, since its purpose is to relate the past, the present and the future. Temporality is associated with a before and after (or several) and with the idea of ​​succession. The temporality of the concepts can also be seen as synonymous with their transience, reaffirming the instrumental, hypothetical and precarious nature of the concepts we use.

On the other hand, in the workplace, when an activity is subject to certain time limitations, we speak of temporality. Therefore, this noun refers to the time coordinate of an action.