
What is tonina? »Its definition and meaning


It is a type of freshwater dolphin, native to the Amazon and Orinoco rivers in the American continent, where it occupies the first place among the largest dolphins that inhabit these rivers, it is also known by the names of dolphins pink or bufeo, being its scientific name "Inia geoffrensis". Toninas base their feeding on fish of different types, their time average life is between 30 and 40 years, the presence of these animals in an ecosystem is synonymous with health in that area since they usually live in clean waters These dolphins are currently in danger of extinction, so their conservation has become very important.

The dolphins are considered the largest cetacean that lives in fresh waters, it can grow up to 2.8 meters and reach a weight of approximately 180 kg, the tone of its skin can be varied, during the first years of life they adopt a grayish color that they can maintain until adulthood, however they can change to a light pink color, it has more than 100 teeth and has small eyes but that adapt perfectly to the dark water where it is found, in addition to that it also has a fairly prominent trunk whose function is to channel the waves that the dolphins produce in order to investigate the area where they are.

The natural habitat of this species in recent years has been significantly compromised, thanks in large part to the threats caused by the hand of man, an example of this are the devastations caused by the creation of hydroelectric plants and the waste dumped into the water where it is. Apart from these threats to their habitat, dolphins also suffer the danger caused by different elements, the main problem being poaching, the purpose of which is the implementation of their meat as bait to fish other species of fish. Overexploitation of fisheries in the Orinoco and Amazon rivers are often responsible for deathaccidental of a large number of pink dolphins, since they get trapped in the nets that the rivers are arranged, being trapped to death.