
What is tone? »Its definition and meaning


The term Tono, is applied in various ways, mostly artistic. The tone is a variable with which a measurement is expressed in what is being applied. The main fields in which the term tone is applied are painting and music, perhaps in this way we will better understand the concept of the term. The etymology shows us that its origin is from the Latin " Tonus " which means " Tension ", this gives us an initial idea that the higher the tone, the more alive is the variable that is being studied.

The musical tone is the order that is given to the sound emitted by the voice, or by the musical instruments that serve as accompaniment in the musical act. The musicians play in a specific tone, they study the music from a very technical point of view and from there they draw up a hierarchical chart of the musical tones in which they must work. The main musical tones are popularly known as: DO, RE, MI, FA, SOL, LA, SI. When singing them, a rise in the tone of voice is evident as they are pronounced. When learning to graduate this scale, one speaks of a mastery of the tone in which the instrument is sung or played. The music is sometimes played in several tones, this is also due to the type of rhythm at which it is being played, and this is characteristic not gradual.

The diversity of the tones in the colors marks a variety in the range available when painting, we have a large chromatic circle in which all the possible combinations that can be made are evident. It is common to say that a painting that uses dark and grayish colors has an opaque tone, or a canvas made with yellow and red tones has a tone of vivid colors. In short, the tone of the colors denotes more than all the presence of some feeling on the part of the painter. The inspiration of this is forced to use the corresponding colors and thus convey the tone of his creation.