A Torture is a pain inflicted on purpose. Whoever tortures someone does it because they want to, must and can. It is one of the most famous methods of punishment in the world throughout history, it has shown us that in different cultures torture is applied for purposes not only for punishment, but also for sacrifice, this is due to the realization sacred rituals with which they offer tributes to a certain deity (in their opinion). Torture consists of making a person or an animal feel very strong pain, making it suffer, taking into account leaving it alive with the purpose of continuing to torture.
Tortures can be physical, causing the tortured to feel pain in the body, they are usually carried out by burning the person, whipping him, subjecting the body to blows, mutilations and lacerations to its maximum expression. These torture mechanisms are for various purposes, among which the pleasure of the torturer stands out. There are people who feel an incredible ecstasy when they torture and mistreat someone else, these unhealthy behaviors are dangerous, because there are known cases of people who kidnap their innocent victims with the purpose of carrying out all kinds of moral spoil with the body of the person.
On the other hand, there are psychological torture, which is based on the mistreatment of the psyche and the mind of the person; a person can be psychologically tortured by making him remember negative events that he has had in life, things that due to their horrifying characteristics, it is necessary to forget them in order to live in peace, inflict fear. One of the most common tortures in the mental realm is guilt. When a person performs an action that disadvantages another inadvertently, guilt invades the thought, making this a confusion between morality and lies.
Existen personas que se auto-torturan, con el fin de darse placer o de hacerse a sí mismos pagar por alguna acción mal hecha hacia otra persona. En la actualidad, la comisión de derechos humanos a nivel mundial ha firmado pactos y acuerdos con la mayor cantidad de países y representantes de culturas con el fin de acabar con las prácticas en las que se tortura a las personas.