The term transit is commonly used to refer to the action of transit, that is, to move from one place to another either by car, bicycle or on foot, through the different streets and avenues. Those who pass, can be people, animals or objects. People travel for many reasons: to go to study, to work or to go home to their relatives, among others. While the objects or merchandise, usually transit for reasons of moving or to be commercialized.
Traffic represents the number of cars that move throughout the day on the different roads.
The difficulties that traffic has had in recent years within urban spaces have been increasing over time, since the first automobile appeared in the 20th century. From there, man has dedicated himself to creating all kinds of measures or norms that allow the regulation and organization of traffic: traffic signals, traffic prosecutors, traffic lights, etc.
Currently and due to the increase in the population, vehicular traffic can become disastrous, especially in the early hours of the morning and in the afternoon, which are the times when there is the greatest influx of vehicles and pedestrians.
The traffic of vehicles can have negative consequences for the environment, since vehicles are the main agents of pollution due to the expulsion of carbon dioxide, which can harm the health of people who live in cities. In addition to other negative effects associated with heavy traffic such as noise pollution and stress.
Traffic control corresponds to the government entities, who are in charge of keeping the roads in good condition, in order for the traffic to circulate normally and without setbacks. Traffic accidents are the main causes of annual death in these times, hence the importance of the proper functioning of the traffic lights, the maintenance of the streets and the correct signaling of avenues and roads and above all that those who transgress are punished the traffic laws.
In astronomy, for its part, there is a phenomenon called astronomical transit that originates when a planet, satellite or star, passes in front of another of greater volume, making it difficult to see. An example of this kind of transit are the so-called "solar eclipses" where the moon does not allow the sun to be seen.