
What is transaction? »Its definition and meaning


In economics, a transaction is the operation in which a good, security or asset is exchanged for money, in which both a seller and a buyer participate. Within computing, a transaction can refer both to the internet protocol that is responsible for protecting any data concerning credit cards or the handling of a highly complex data structure. In law, transactions are those documents in which both parties end the litigation, especially the one that is doubtful. In the field In psychology, specifically in transactional analysis, transactions are the interactions within a person's ego states.

Financial transactions are characterized by being divided into two phases: the delivery of the goods and the receipt of the money for them; These involve changes in the economy of the individuals who participate. In computing, secure electronic transactions (SET, by namein English), were designed at the request of the companies in charge of VISA and MasterCard, in the mid-90s, in order to provide security to users when entering their bank details on the Internet; However, due to its high cost, it soon fell into disuse and was replaced by 3-D Secure. Data structures, on the other hand, need transactions to function correctly, that is, the application of certain processes constantly, so that the structure manages to complete them all before being reached by the system.

In the legal field, transactions are characterized by being bilateral, which means that they are carried out by the two parties involved in the litigation; This characteristic distinguishes it from novations, those processes in which the litigation obligations are also extinguished, but which is carried out by only one of the parties. In psychology, transactional analysis is a method of psychotherapy, proposed by Eric Berne in 1950; Within this, transactions are studied, the existence of which determines the reactions and behavior of an individual in certain situations. These can be complementary, crossed, angular ulterior and double ulterior.