The term ancestry is used to name everything that exceeds a certain limit or that goes beyond what is known, it is said to be a need of human beings, because according to some philosophers such as Maslow they affirm that the needs of man to what throughout his life they always change and grow, since each time he manages to satisfy some of them, others appear with a greater degree of difficulty to predominate, becoming essential.
There are two areas in which transcendence can be represented, such are the cases of religion and philosophy. In religion it is used to refer to everything that exceeds the limits of the material world, since it is in an infinite world or a divine world, in general, transcendence is usually associated with God, since he is in a superior world to the earthly and his presence is infinite and perfect. On the other hand, in philosophy, it is used to qualify everything that is above consciousness and the limits of nature.
According to Maslow, human beings are made up of a spiritual, physical and sociological body and any problem that occurs in any of them will have immediate consequences on the others, which is why in his theory he proposes the term hierarchy, for that form organize the needs of the different bodies already mentioned. Such an order Maslow represented it in the form of a pyramid placing the most important needs (security, philosophical, social, self-esteem, etc.) at the bottom, while those of development are at the top (transcendence).
As mentioned above transcendence is a human need, even though the man has a finite nature, always in pursuit of perfection everything quees and what surrounds it, from the beginning of life on earth the Man has sought to transcend, a clear example of this is procreation by transmitting his genotype and phenotype, also feeling an important part of history when performing feats that were believed impossible but that in the end are achieved and surpassed.