It is known as ubiquitous or ubiquity to the ability of a human being to make an appearance in two different places and almost at the same time, this word has an etymological origin from the Latin "ubique" which means "everywhere". If we direct the term to the scope of theology, this word refers to the capacity that God possesses to be next to all his children at the same time, that is to say, it allows us to determine that the Almighty is in many places at the same time; This word being synonymous with the generality, omnipresence or universality that God possesses on earth.
A theologian defined a concept or paradox, which indicates that if God is everywhere and his power is unlimited, there should be no evil on earth, the name of this conflict is known as “Epicurus paradox” and allows associating ubiquity of God with omnipotence; Thanks to this thought, two theological theories arose that study the power of God in two different ways: there are deists, who affirm that their power was only limited to creationof the earth, and on the other hand are the theists, they firmly trust in the ability of God to act in all areas in the lives of human beings. In Christianity, he solves the Epicurus paradox with the possession of free will, the followers of this religion affirm that God allows the decision-making of all his children, therefore if there is evil on earth it is because humanity itself does so. he wanted and so he decided.
However, the term ubiquitous not only makes a humanized reference, in the same way it can be applied to all those microorganisms that have the ability or versatility to remain in different environments while preserving their unique and well-defined structure, that is, all microorganisms are considered ubiquitous. that can colonize land, water or even air. In the same way, the term is applied in zoology, defining then as ubiquitous organisms all those that have the capacity to be located in any geographic area (such as algae, which are found in all seas).