Ulterior is a term related to reality, it describes the position of something beyond what is at first glance. Commonly applied among mapping people. The sources to determine the origin of the term are vague, however it is believed that due to its strategic power and constructions always in favor of the evolution of its city, the Roman Empire is attributed the constitution of terms related to the vision and position of corresponding battle entities.
The term Ulterior is etymologically diverse, since its composition of words implies to those who do not know it that it intends to describe something that is behind or before it, however, it serves as an antonym in situations where contrary destinations have to be denoted. In some cases, Ulterior also serves to indicate times in which what could happen is not revealed, that is, a later time refers to a consequence after an action has been executed, for example, a traveler who does not know his destination, only let the road lead, consider both the time and the place to which it will arrive as ulterior.
The misinterpretation of this term has led dictionaries to define both situations in the definition of ulterior, in which they have two completely opposite meanings, so it is clear to say that it would not be incorrect to say that Ulterior refers to something that was left behind. behind, something overlooked in a series of steps that are executed to complete some action. Despite that, the word does not stop leaving its context of application.
The Romans spoke of a later territory when they pointed out what was after Rome, but in expeditions, reference was made to the unknown, which after that moment was going to be explored. This term was very useful in history, today traces have been found that the use of it led battles and positioned fundamental pieces for a victory. Simply Ulterior is a signaling, orientation and visualization tool. Of course, Ulterior is very little used in general society, as there are more generic and less specific terms to describe a position beyond what is seen or perceived.