The term ultimatum has an etymological origin from the Latin “ultimatum”, this word is applied to mention a definite answer without subject to changes, which has been taken after a consensus or negotiation; In this way, the ultimatum is the final resolution to an endless number of previous requests that have not been able to be resolved effectively, most of all it is an unbreakable agreement since it requires the other party to the agreement to comply with the exposed request. Within a certain period of time, if that party does not comply with the request, it will be indefinitely excluded from future negotiations and the threats previously exposed in the ultimatun will be executed.
In this way, the ultimatum is a way to force the part of the agreement to comply with what had been requested in exchange for the service offered, it will be under the threat that fulfilling its work will free it from future consequences; These ultimatums can be executed legally or illegally, they can be accepted in a judicial court depending on the good sense with which the consequence of not complying with the contract is handled as well as the request that is being demanded.
Ultimatums are applied in extreme situations or limits where a sufficiently long time has been fulfilled or numerous opportunities have been given for the parties to an agreement to fulfill their obligation; This term, according to its conceptualization, is very common to hear it colloquially between house disputes or between individuals from the same community, such as: "Julio, I'm giving you an ultimatum, if you don't stop drinking on the weekends I'm divorcing".
During illegal processes such as kidnappings, police officers who are experts in serving as intermediaries when they have been talking to the criminal for a considerable time take the route of ultimatum, where they take the opportunity to warn the offender of the consequences of continuing to resist arrest, which In most cases it is translated into a threat to the life of the hostage since the nervousness or anger of the kidnappers increases, for this reason this is the last option for the intermediary.