The Unanimity is the consensus that is reached when a group of people agree to perform the exercise of any action, speaking of unanimity means that whoever agreed with the motion or opinion that was put to the vote. The concept is widely used in the world of election and voting, when they debate between choosing a candidate for a specific position, for example, a government position, it is decided through popular votes, if a high number of votes is achieved. Votes for a single opponent speak of unanimity and therefore it is the one who gets the position.
The value that is given in a jury to a vote can be subject to differences and therefore not find unanimity. The most advisable thing in these cases is that a clear decision be made, so that the accused, judged or evaluated can get a concrete decision about what they want to do.
On the other hand, this word has legal characteristics that are widely reinforced and used in the legal field. Unanimously means the obligation to reach a consensus among all the Member States meeting in the Council so that a proposal can be adopted. Since the entry into force of the Single European Act, the areas in which decisions must be taken unanimously have been restricted.
Even so, the first column of this treaty refers to the popular vote by qualified majority, which prevents popular unanimity. In contrast, the second and third pillars remain largely subject to the intergovernmental method and unanimous voting.