UNESCO stands for United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization of the United Nations), an intergovernmental organization integrated into the United Nations (UN), created on 4 November 1946 to respond to the need to guarantee Human Rights. The main purpose of UNESCO is to promote world peace through culture, communication, education and science, in order to ensure universal respect for justice, the law, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction of race, sex, language and religion.
For this, the Organization promotes better knowledge and mutual understanding of nations; it gives a new and vigorous impulse to popular education and the diffusion of culture; and contributes to the conservation, progress and dissemination of knowledge. UNESCO's activities are divided into the following general services and programs: education, natural sciences, social sciences, cultural activities, communications for the masses, general resolutions, and documents and publications.
UNESCO's structure is mainly composed of its governing body, the General Assembly , made up of the representatives or delegates of the 193 Member States, there are also 7 associate members. It is followed by the Executive Council comprised of various members elected by the Assembly, meets twice a year, and is responsible for the execution of the approved program and annually prepares that of the following year, recommends the admission of new members and proposes the appointment of the Managing Director.
Finally, there is the Secretariat made up of a Director General and the necessary staff, who have exclusively international responsibilities and carry out UNESCO's biannual policies and programs.
The UNESCO Headquarters is established in Paris and the United Nations Liaison Office in New York. It also has Regional Offices in other countries, such as Scientific Cooperation Offices in Montevideo, Cairo, Istanbul, Manila, among others.