
What is unity? »Its definition and meaning


Etymologically the term unit comes from the Latin "Unitas", it is defined as everything that is presented in a homogeneous, compact way, something that does not allow division since it would mean the deformation of its essence.

The unit can have different meanings, and it will depend on the context in which this term is applied. In the world of mathematics, the unit is symbolized by the number one (1), which comes to represent the first natural number and from where the other natural numbers are derived or constituted. In the military context, unity refers to the different groups that together make up the component of a country's armed forces. Each military unit is made up of a number of people who are part of its human resource, as well as materials that give it meaning and importance and are the ones that truly enable its functionality.

Socially speaking, the unit can represent two aspects: one positive and one negative, the unit can be presented as positive, when it reflects the mutual and orderly work between people to achieve objectives, for example in a community, when each of the people who live there, work together to obtain benefits that improve their quality of life. Community or social unity comes to be linked with the purpose of uniting among all, leaving aside differences for the achievement of a common goal. Although, the unit can also be negative, if it is thought that the different is bad and dangerous, and that therefore it must be separated or eliminated.

In the field of computing, the unit is presented as the instrument or apparatus that performs the procedure of reading and writing the media or storage base designed in the form of a disk, referring to hard disk drives, disk drives optical such as: CDs, DVDs. In the scientific aspect, the unit is designated as a unit of measurement, for example: the kilogram of mass, the meter of length and the second of time.