
What is url? »Its definition and meaning


URL is the acronym for Uniform Resource Locator. It is a series of characters according to an established and standard format, representing the most direct identification to be able to find a resource on the Internet, well, web pages such as // among millions more.

Uniform resource locators marked the beginning of the cyber space revolution in 1991, when Tim Berners-Lee used them for the first time to interconnect different hyperlinks with the Word Wide Web (WWW). The correct term is URI, (uniform resource identifier, in Spanish uniform identifier of resource), but the term URL is still widely used. The URL is the correct address on the Internet, with which we can find it properly through a browser. The URL combines in its address the name of the computer that provides the information, the directory where it is located, the name of the file, and the protocol to use to retrieve the data.

The URL is the string of characters with which a unique address is assigned to each of the information resources available on the Internet. There is a unique URL for each page of each document on the World Wide Web.