The word vacation, which we commonly use in the plural "vacations", derives from the Latin "vacatĭo", "vacatiōnis", which means "dispensation from a job or an obligation, time when a position was vacant or vacant" in addition to the suffix " cion ”which means action. Hence the word vacation is attributed to the act of vacating, that is, when a job or position is left without a person to perform it. On the other hand, the word vacation or in the plural vacation is usually used to refer to those days of the year in which people who usually work or study take a break or rest from their regular activities for a certain time or period.; that is, it is the rest stage that people resort to, to interrupt usual tasks or activities. All this excluding days or holidays also called national holidays such as Christmas or representative days of a nation such as the celebration of its independence.
This activity aims to prevent stress or other pathologies from lodged in people, but it is also implemented by the local government or state in order to multiply and increase productivity in the rest of the year. It is important to note that there are two types of vacations or vacations, those of a student and those of a worker that vary depending on each one. For the countries of the northern hemisphere, their vacation period is generally the months of July-August and for the countries of the southern hemisphere the vacation months are January-February. And compared to workers who according to the country where they are, their vacation period is 7 to 45 days, students have a longer vacation period, perhaps two or even three months.