
What is bacterial vaginosis? »Its definition and meaning


It is an infection that affects the vagina of minimal danger, this occurs when there is a lack of control between what are the good bacteria and the bad bacteria of the vagina, causing in women who suffer itching, strong pain and sometimes a discharge somewhat disgusting odor, despite being a mild infection, if not treated correctly it can lead to other diseases of greater risk, bacterial vaginosis is considered the most common infection among the young population of girls, It is believed that it is related to sexual relations, since as sexual activity increases, they become more prone to contracting it.

Symptoms of vaginitis may include grayish-white vaginal discharge, which often has a foul odor, burning when urinating, and severe itching on the inside and outside of the vagina.

It is very common for a large number of bacteria considered to be good to be located in the vagina and in smaller proportions bacteria that can be harmful, however the use of external agents such as shampoo and vaginal deodorants, can modify the balance between said Bacteria, which leads to the development of vaginosis, having several sexual partners regardless of gender, can also increase the risk of contracting it. Despite the aforementioned, experts have not yet managed to discover an exact cause for which this infection occurs, what should be made clear is that if it comes into contact with sheets, toilets or swimming pool water, it does not you run the risk of contracting it.

The antibiotics are the most common treatment when an infection of this type generally requires that the treatment is performed by prolonged periods of time in order to prevent recurrence infection, in cases where the patient has an active sexual life, your partner will not require treatment if he is male, if on the contrary he belongs to the female gender, if treatment should be indicated.

Preventing bacterial vaginosis is not that simple, however experts give a series of data that can greatly prevent contracting it, these are avoiding unprotected sex, not using vaginal douches (showers), not having more than one partner sexual at the same time and do not use intimate deodorants.