A voucher is an administrative document, by means of which a subject indicates in writing having received objects or money as a loan. It is used as a promise of payment, through which the debtor contracts a payment commitment with his creditor, on a certain amount of money, in the place and on the date that is stipulated in the same document. A voucher must contain: date, name of the debtor, name of the creditor, quantity of objects or money that is loaned, data of the objects given on loan, including the physical state in which they are found; finally the signatures of those involved.
The ways to turn the vouchers are:
- A fixed date: occurs when the voucher is set to expire on a specific day.
- Successful term of the draft or issuance date: in this case, the voucher expires after the time has passed from the issuance date, as agreed.
In companies when an employee takes money to buy some material or merchandise that is not in stock in the company; or because you want an advance on your salary, a "cash voucher" is prepared. This voucher must bear: date, amount in number and letter, clear explanation of the concept, signature of authorization, signature of who receives the money.
In the same way, the term voucher is used as a commercial document for the payment of a product or service. It can represent the total or partial cancellation of the amount to be paid. The common thing is that commercial establishments provide vouchers to their customers to capture their loyalty to them. In this case there are three kinds of voucher:
- Manufacturer's voucher: it is a very suitable method of promotion to include new products on the market. Customers are ready to try new products if the price is lower than recommended, many establishments accept the discount proposed by the manufacturer when a customer releases a voucher.
- Distributor voucher: it is a promotional mechanism that benefits those customers who already bought the product. The retailer issues them to retain those buyers and achieve an increase in spending per purchase.
- Pantry voucher: it is an assistance that is given to workers by the company. These vouchers are replaced in the auto markets by consumer goods.