
What is avant-garde? »Its definition and meaning


Vanguard, despite the use that society gives it, it is a military term which is used to denote the first row of a platoon, which is the one that begins to face the enemy platoon. But as already indicated, the social application is completely different from that used in the military field. The avant-garde serves to refer to a novelty that in the arena of events in the field in which it is applied, represents importance, luxury, versatility and functionality.. Something whose avant-garde is remarkable will face the ideas that a new scheme of life for its class carries with it, because, after an obvious acceptance, we proceed with the evaluation and execution of this Something Avant-garde. From here, new cultural currents are created that use the avant-garde as an evolutionary paradigm, the consistency of this phenomenon created an artistic form that is called Vanguardism.

Without a specific field of use, the avant-garde is a post-modern artistic current in which the latest trends in society are reflected and all the novel aspects of these are taken into account, emphasizing the new forms of current thought of the human being Well, what the man who lived in the nineties can hardly want the same today, since political, cultural and technological interests are constantly evolving.

La Vanguardia has a natural antagonistic counterpart, Tradition, which represents a classic lifestyle, typical of people who found a comfortable lifestyle in their time and see no need to seek new comforts, in this case, the avant-garde and tradition is immersed in a social struggle in which the economy plays a fundamental role as a tool to evolve or stay like this. Despite all this, time plays with both characters, making the traditional avant-garde with the passing of time, and with the obsolete traditional, making the classic force itself to use avant-garde trends to be able to continue in the thread of time which is unstoppable.