
What is Vaseline? »Its definition and meaning


Vaseline is a product that is obtained from oil refining, which has a large number of uses and benefits, especially with regard to people's health. This is a uniform substance, composed of saturated hydrocarbons, which have an extended chain, usually made up of more than 25 carbon molecules, the concentrations of the substances that compose it can be highly variable since they will depend on the type of crude from which it is derived. It is currently widely used in the cosmetology and pharmaceutical industries.

Because the name of Vaseline is registered as a trade name by the Unilever company, in Portuguese and Spanish speaking countries, that is why in the rest of the world it is marketed under the name Vasenol.

Because it is a mixture, vaseline does not have an established melting point, however it is possible that at temperatures close to 36 ° C there is a softening of the same, being able to go to its liquid state at temperatures that exceed 60 ° C and its boiling point at temperatures above 350 ° C. A very distinctive characteristic is that it is hydrophobic, that is, it does not dissolve in water.

Vaseline is a very easy material to get, which is why it is widely used by people, in addition to having a large number of benefits and properties, among which stand out the ability to soften the skin, especially that found Dries, providing protection to it, it also prevents water from evaporating, after its application it adheres to the skin preventing it from being easily removed.

It is widely used in pharmaceuticals, due to its hydrophobicity, this is caused because it is largely composed of saturated carbon chains, it can be found as part of the components of ointments and ointments, sold in pharmacies. Vaseline can be found in many sectors, both in industry, at home and even in medical centers, it can be purchased in two different presentations as required by the person, one is in solid form and the other in liquid form, being the composition of both the same, the only difference is the way it is applied.