The word neighborhood is used in some countries to refer to a type of multi-family dwelling generally made up of small houses, which are located around a central courtyard. These buildings are commonly one-story, although there are some two-story neighborhoods. In addition to being characterized by sharing a central courtyard, the people who live in it can also sometimes share certain services, such as the laundry area.
This type of housing is very popular in Latin American countries, the families that live in them are generally people with few economic resources. In Mexico it is very common to come across these kinds of constructions; These arose in the nineteenth century to offer asylum to people with low income, they were houses that did not cost much money and generally consisted of a single room, a bathroom and a small kitchen. For each house a rent was paid and they had a doorman, who was in charge of the property. The doorman was responsible for collecting the rent, maintaining the neighborhood, and maintaining contact with the owners.
The neighborhoods were very particular in the traditional neighborhoods of Mexico, even in many movies and soap operas they can be seen, being part of the main stage. For example, the case of a very famous program called the neighborhood of the chavo, a comedy program that told the story of a group of families who lived in an old neighborhood and where particular situations occurred.