Revenge is a form of punishment that is applied by a person who has received abuse, insults or any action that is considered harmful to the integrity of the other; After having received the attack after feeling affected, the victim decides to retaliate against his aggressor by performing acts that harm him. The people who practice revenge through this path seek compensation for the damages that have been done against him; Many times revenge is understood (in a distorted sense) as a synonym for justice, however this concept is directed more to the injurious sense on a personal level, how pleasant for a whole population.
The need to carry out an unhealthy action against the person who has caused harm is known as a “ desire for revenge ”. This feeling has a well-determined purpose: to make what the victim felt firsthand; With these actions, the victim wants to be sure that his aggressor has felt the same pain and thereby prevent him from continuing to commit it with other people. Many times revenge can be applied to the same person or through third parties close to them, for example: a policeman who murdered a brother of a criminal and said criminal later murdered the brother of the policeman, this is a revenge that involved third parties who were outside the personal conflict.
The revenge action has been executed for many years, especially they were applied in those companies that have a distorted or weak judicial system; The most common example was that the family of the murdered person was allowed to kill the murderer, but if both families (of the victim and the aggressor) disagreed with the action committed, they would reach an agreement where a fight with a lot of blood was planned among them. These fights were known by members of the population as “ vendettas”And they were fights considered as legal in the eyes of the state in mandate; This measure was part of many societies of different cultures, for example: in Japan each family had a samurai, who was trained in martial arts and was in charge of protecting the honor of his family, if it affected any of his family he would have to face him.