It is the formal decision issued by a jury on the questions of fact that were presented at trial. The unanimous decision made by a jury and reported to the court on the matters legally submitted to them in the course of the trial of a case.
The verdicts are of various types, namely, private and public, general, partial and special.
A secret verdict is one secretly delivered to a judge outside of court. Such a verdict is delivered to the judge after the jury has agreed, for the convenience of the jury, than after it has been rendered.
A public verdict is issued in public hearing. This verdict has all its effect, and unless it is set aside it is conclusive on the facts and when judgment is passed on it. A private verdict must then be given publicly to give it any effect.
A general verdict is one by which the jury pronounces on the fact and the law at the same time, either in favor of the plaintiff or the accused. The jury can find such a verdict when it sees fit.
A partial verdict in a criminal case is one whereby the jury acquits the defendant of a part of the accusation against him and finds him guilty of the remainder: the following are examples of this type of verdict, namely: when the defendant is acquitted of one count and finding you guilty on another, which is in fact a kind of blanket verdict; when the charge is of a higher degree offense, and includes a lower degree offense, the jury can convict the less egregious ones by finding a partial verdict. Thus, in a robbery indictment, the defendant can be found guilty of robbery and acquitted of nightly entry; On a murder charge, you can be convicted of murder; theft can be softened to simple theft; a battery, in a common assault.