A series of contagious skin lesions that are caused by a virus, specifically the human papilloma virus, are known as warts. These small structures form as a kind of small tumor on the skin.or in the mucosa, its location can be very different, as well as the shape, this will depend on the type of HPV, this is because there are more than 120 different subtypes of HPV. An example of this are the so-called flat warts, which are produced by HPV 3 and are manifested by small, raised, smooth lesions that are generally located on the face or on the dorsal part of the hands. Warts can persist for years and are responsible for generating itchiness in the area in which it is located.
Regarding the appearance that these may present, it is generally varied: There are cases in which they appear oval in shape. As for the color, it can be darker or lighter than the color of the skin or they can even acquire a black color. You can also find warts with a smooth surface. While the most common warts are plantar warts, called that way because they are located on the soles of the feet, which causes problems to move, due to the pain they cause, and genital warts, just to name two of the most prominent types.
One thing that most people ignore is that warts are highly contagious: to the point that you don't need to touch a foreign wart for the virus to be transmitted to someone else, and this is the same with all types of warts that already have been mentioned. Although warts are not considered as a condition of risk mortal, it is recommended that before the onset or detection of a wart, the person see a doctor. Since the specialist will be the indicated person who can suggest a biopsy to analyze if the wart is some type of malignant tumor, since if that is the case, it is most likely that a surgical intervention is warranted.