The word vestal derives from the Latin "vestālis", coming from the voice "vesta", and which in the plural was known as "vestales". This term refers to the ancient priestesses of Roman origin who were consecrated to the goddess Vesta, who had to be in charge of keeping the sacred fire lit on the altar. This was something characteristic of the Roman religion, where originally two Vestals were in charge of this mission, but it was in the times of the Greek biographer, historian and essayist Plutarch that the number of Vestals increased to four and just afterwards there were six in charge of stoking the fire. and keep it always on.
The word Vesta is attributed to the great immaculate goddess of sacred fire in ancient Rome, also known in Greek mythology as "Hestia" in the same way it was attributed as the deity of fire and the family fireplace. Over time, this character became the protector goddess of Rome whose particular flame was used as a representation of the welfare of the state. Vesta, according to mythology was the daughter of Rhea and Cronos and one of the oldest goddesses, dating from times in which the existence of fire was scarce since a method to produce it was not exactly known, so it was It was of great importance to keep it on and prevent its extinction, so they assigned the Vestals for this mission.
The vestals were selected when they were still girls, from their 6 to 10 years, remaining virgins during the 30 years of vesta service, in addition they had to be from a mother and father recognized by society and enjoy great beauty. The selection of each vestal was made by the Pontiff Maximus, I feel the only female figure within the Roman religion, because all the other priests were men. These women did not have the same obligations as the others, such as marrying or having children, but rather had to dedicate themselves to chastity, to the study and observation of the existing state rituals that were not allowed in male priestly colleges.