When speaking of a veteran, it refers to a person who has great experience in a certain field or, well, to a long-term soldier. In the first sense of the word, a "veteran" is one who professes vast knowledge in a certain subject and, moreover, puts into practice, quite easily, various methods to carry out certain related activities. Similarly, military veterans can be those who have participated, for a long time, in soldiering tasks; You can also speak of the "war veterans", those men who gave fight in the war and "retired veterans" staff in state retirement.
The concept of veteran soldier comes from Ancient Rome. In the Roman legions, soldiers had to perform military service for 25 years, uninterrupted; after the coming to power of César Augusto, he established a period of 20 years for infantrymen and 10 years for cavalrymen. If the now-called veteran decided to continue serving in the Roman military forces, he was rewarded with certain personal privileges, such as avoiding the payment of purchase and sale rights, he could not be punished with whipping and, in case of going to jail, he would be in separate cells from common criminals. Today, veteran soldiers are objects of decorations, which increase theirrank within the hierarchy of the army.
War veterans, likewise, earn this name for having fought on behalf of their country. These, however, present certain problems of reintegration into society, due to the physical and psychological difficulties that they contracted as a result of the war.