In our language the word vice is used to designate all those habits, practices or customs of a person, which are frowned upon by society for violating morals or being degrading, as well as those that threaten health or integrity physical and mental of the person who is sunk in vice, for example; alcoholism, drug addiction, among others.
Similarly, the term vice is often used to highlight those defects or bad and negative habits that a person has and that is already part of their characteristics, such as: “Luisa has the vice of biting her nails”, “Manuel he has the habit of saying bad words in all the meetings ”. In some cultures, as in Venezuela, vices are also called "tricks" or "manias", "Jesus has the knack of burping with his mouth open when we are eating."
However, as mentioned above, the main use that is given to this word is to designate the preference that a person has for the constant consumption of certain substances (to the point of abuse) that can become harmful to the health of the subject. This situation occurs regularly in psychoactive drugs such as marijuana and cocaine, as well as alcohol and tobacco. When the use of these substances becomes a vice, the subject can become dependent on them, to such an extent that it will be very difficult to abandon their consumption, so much so that even with medicinal and psychological treatments it is not possible to fully cure the vicious person.