
What is everyday life? »Its definition and meaning


The daily life is analyzed by the social sciences, because everyday derives from the Latin "quotidiānus" of "quotidie" means daily, In everyday life there are recreations of the story are presented for tourism in which there is a sociology that has research methods that are based on the community, in addition, daily life is established by all the situations that occur daily either by the activities that are carried out frequently, because everything that is done daily is within of the environment in particular.

The daily life is made up of various allowances because of the activities they have to make the people everyday, based on the division of the work, school, clubs either children, adolescents, young adults and elderly, which each group is related to the same activities during all the years.

With regard to meals at the same times and menus like, after the activities performed at home, means of communication, dialogue with relatives, friends, and rest. Each of these tasks has a ritual, whether with the family environment , school, work, among others.

In this area each person moves as a subject of society, because on a daily basis a relationship is linked or established between two or more people, from that the little ones learn moral values ​​and little by little they prepare to be more Set an example for others of what they have lived and learned throughout their lives.

The everyday life changes over time either from one community to another, but can also change the country to the city, where you can say that life in rural areas is different to everyday life in urban areas because the forms of work are different, as well as the social environment.