
What is rape? »Its definition and meaning


A Violation is an act of contempt and abuse against some entity that has arranged for itself some established norm or precept that indicates what the action to be carried out or the function it must fulfill should be. The term rape is directed to any scenario in which a violation of the present laws arises, it is commonly associated with situations where violence is a fundamental tool of the aggressor. One of the most frequently touched topics in society is rape or sexual abuse perpetrated on a defenseless being, which, when the violator is unprotected, uses force to be able to violate the human and moral rights of this affected person.

It can also be considered a violation that incursion made by something or someone in a territory or space in which it has not been given permission to be, pass or carry out some type of action. Such is the case of airspace, if an aircraft flies over a restricted area or does not request the appropriate permission to transit through said site, the device and those who operate it are committing an airspace violation.

A violation in legal terms presents the principle described above, with the difference that given the judicial procedure, there will always be a sanctioning response for those who have violated any law or right. The punishments that can be given to people who violate norms or precepts are subject to evaluations and investigations that are useful to determine guilt or penalties. Depending on the society we are in, violations of sacred sites or sites of high cultural richness are charged at a high price, including, in some cases with punishments far above those that a human rights court could propose, it all depends on the spiritual traditions and the respect that society has for them.

Cuando se llega a un acuerdo, ambas parten deben tener claro cuales son los terminos y condiciones expuestos, para asi poder evitar malos entendidos que posteriormente terminan en violaciones a los establecimientos, una resolución práctica busca la manera de crear mecanismos de conciliación para evitar la violación del acuerdo, si no se logra una consideración ante la falta, se procede al castigo correspondiente.