
What is voltage? »Its definition and meaning


The word voltage or electrical potential, the real academy defines it as "amount of volts that act in an electrical device or systems" Voltage is the physical capacity that an electrical circuit has, due to the fact that it drives electrons throughout a conductor, this means that the volt conducts electrical energy with greater or lesser power, because the voltage is the electrical mechanism between the two bodies, based on the fact that if the two points establish an electron flow contact, an energy transfer can occur from both points, because the electrons are negative charges and are attracted by positively charged protons, but also the electrons are rejected each other for having the same charge.

The voltage or volt is something similar to the voltage and potential inequality, that is, the voltage is the work per unit charge that is performed by the electric field that is on a particular so that it can move from one place to another. other. This system is differentiated by various powers that are measured in volts that is distinguished by the letter "V" that defines the categorization as "low" or "high voltage. "

There are different types of voltages that can be, a neuron that has a voltage of (75 mega volt), the battery or the non-rechargeable cell is of (1.5 volts), the electrical system of a car has a voltage of (12 volteo), the electricity in the houses is (230 volts), in a train it is (600 to 700 volts), the high-voltage electricity transmission network is 110 (kilovolts) and that of a lightning (100 mega volts).