
What is vulgate? »Its definition and meaning


The name of vulgate is given to the Latin version of the holy biblical writing which exposes various stories from the hand of Saint Jerome and is declared authentic by the Catholic Church, the person who achieved this translation spent many years making this I worked from the year 389 to the year 405 after Christ, translating from the Hebrew language to Latin so that it could be understood in many parts of the world; said translated bible was called vulgate to be considered as “popular”.

Jerónimo, while doing his work, tried to be as faithful as possible to the Hebrew text that he handled, but nevertheless from his efforts the vulgate has many contextual errors and the first error was the freedom of the translation that this man made since he could make slight modifications when he believed them appropriate, therefore it can be considered that the vulgate is not a totally faithful and precise translation, but rather that its structure was slightly modified to give a better location to the words. Another counterproductive to the literal translation from Hebrew into Latin, is that the version used for the translation was made in the unified Hebrew language, therefore the Latin translation would be the second time that the biblical words were translated and of coursesome biblical passages could be modified or influenced by this problem.

Many are the manuscripts that support that the vulgate that exists today, according to the stories that related each manuscript has a different name, the oldest of these being the codex of "Amiatinus" that was written for the eighth century, according to the Chronological order is followed by the codex "Fuldensis" that was written for the year 545 after Christ and finally the "Diatessaron" which is the key manuscript for the gospel. The time when the vulgate was modified many times is in the Middle Ages by mistake of the men in charge of that work, specifically in the numerous occasions where people from monasteries translated for the European kingdom and the different languages ​​that it handled.