Wahhabism is one of the many Muslim religious currents developed in Islam, this theological branch is much larger than the Sunnis and even more than the Habani school, its founder was the Arab resident who responded to the name of Muhammad ibn Abd al Wahhab, whose self-imposed dominance was "Salaf As-Salih"; this branchMuslim like the Sunnis prefer to deepen their beliefs in the origins of religion, it is because of them that they like to be recognized by the name of "Salafists". Wahhabism was founded within the boundary lines of what is now known as Saudi Arabia, as the initiator of this religion was stated was Salaf As-Salih, who was from the Sunni region (which explains the similarity with the Sunni belief); The influence of this Arab movement increased exponentially thanks to the export of oil (in conjunction with other economic factors), thus gaining more public than the oldest Muslim branches, being also a symbol of inspiration throughout the world pointing this as the reason why which the Wahab is the main protagonist in terrorist attacks globally.
In turn, Wahhabism also concurs with guilt in terms of the great division of the Muslim people, these followers affirm that those Muslims with a different thought to Wahhabism were classified as "apostates", which will make them deserving of an execution for apostasy (rejection from the Islamic word), it should be noted that this religion is also considered monotheistic (belief in a unique God).
The Wahhabis are noted for the strict application of Sharia within the customs of their people, as well as having an immense thirst to expand their religious belief in a universal way; in a similar way with the other Muslim currents, Wahhabism accepts the Koran as the biblical basis of Islam, they claim that they directly interpret the word of Muhammad's reflections. Both Wahhabism and Qutbism consider themselves as the defenders of Islamic rules, they feel with the capacity or responsibility to enforce their laws and execute all those who do not agree with them, however Wahhabism also defends the purification ideaIslam, which has become contaminated with innovations, deviations and superstitions.