
What is xanthelasma? »Its definition and meaning


In the field of medicine, Xanthelasma is known as a pathology that usually affects the eyelid area and is characterized by the appearance of small bumps in that area. In general, the appearance of xanthelasma is related to hypercholesterolemia. The presence of these small tumors can also occur in other regions of the body, however if that is the case they are called xanthomas. It is important to note that this type of lump is benign and occurs when fat accumulates in the dermis along with cholesterol esters.

The xanthelasma has an element that stands out and by means of which it is much easier to know that you are in its presence, this is its bilaterality or in other words, it will appear in the eyelids of both eyes. It is also generally characterized by plaques with a yellow hue, due to the high amounts of cholesterol. Generally, the tumors settle on the most superficial epithelia of the dermis, and in some cases in the middle tissues, and can spread throughout the periorbital area.

This pathology is usually associated with some type of lack of control in metabolism, such as hypercholesterolemia, cirrhosis, diabetes, among others, however its appearance in individuals who do not present any of the pathologies is not ruled out previously mentioned. Xanthelasma tends to be more prevalent in adults than in children, this is due to the fact that in advanced ages there are greater changes in terms of changes in metabolism, therefore doctors recommend an immediate lipid analysis.

Xanthelasma is common in people with high cholesterol levels, however, it is important to note that its appearance does not refer to them, since it has been the case of xanthelasma in completely healthy people.

The most frequent treatments in these cases are surgical extractions, being mostly used if the protrusion is located on the upper eyelid, since if it occurs in the lower eyelid the procedure is much more complicated.