This word originates from the word xenophobia (fear or hatred of foreigners), a xenophobe is the person who feels that rejection towards any individual of another nationality, or who have other beliefs or customs. Etymologically xenophobic comes from the Greek "xenos" which means "foreigner" and "phobos" which means "fear or aversion". Thus, a xenophobe does not tolerate being in the same place with other people for the simple fact that they belong to another culture, nationality, religion, etc. leading him to commit discriminatory acts towards them.
A xenophobe can show his rejection of foreigners in many ways: by being indifferent, unfriendly, and in the worst cases he can be violent and even attack. The arguments on which xenophobes are based to act in this way are always focused on justifying the absolute and obligatory separation of the various racial groups, with the main objective being to avoid not corrupting their own culture, and to benefit or enhance In this way, one's own identity, which would be damaged if not.
Likewise, as with racism, xenophobia can be classified as a doctrine of rejection, which will be inclined towards the social rejection of any individual who is not part of the same cultural identity. Xenophobia and racism, although they are similar, differ in one thing, and that is that xenophobia does not include the feeling of cultural or racial supremacy, as far as they are related, it is in cultural segregation.
In today's societies, especially those in Europe or the United States, people who come from other countries (especially Latinos) are discriminated against on the grounds that they come to occupy jobs that should be for nationals. In France, individuals who come from Arab countries and those from North Africa are discriminated against. In England, they reject those from Pakistan. There are countries where their government leaders have promoted the feeling of xenophobia, something truly reprehensible, since if you want a world full of peace, tolerance and respect, you must accept everyone equally and respect everyone's differences.
Many world organizations have implemented different measures to achieve a little eradication of the sources of xenophobia that are still present in many parts of the world. The United Nations (UN) organization has promoted a series of conferences against discrimination and xenophobia, this has had an impact on other organizations such as UNESCO, which has also joined this campaign promoting strategies in conjunction with local governments, assuming that it is they (the countries) who must take up the battle against xenophobia.