It is understood by chump, the person who finds it, or it is difficult for him to understand and understand things, even if they are simple and simple, or the individual who is worthless, of little or limited understanding, and who has great ignorance of the things. the word chump, etymologically speaking, comes from the Celtic "tsucca" which means piece of wood; Therefore, a small but thicker piece of wood, left over from carving the wood, is called a zoquete; consequently the large and irregular piece of bread is also attributed the term chump. It is necessary to note that other sources state that this itemized term may originate from the Arabic "suqвt" which means waste or useless object. Many people tend to confuse what in countries like Bolivia, Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay and Chile call soquete, which is a sock or short stocking that dresses or covers the foot up to the ankle, with the term zoquete.
Another of its multiple uses is given in Paraguay to designate a large piece of meat, preferably beef, or to appoint a public office. It is also used to describe an unpleasant, rough, rude and ugly person, who is generally obese. In countries like Guatemala and Chile, a chump is a lamp holder. And in Cuba that term refers to or applies to the arrogant, arrogant and presumptuous individual or person. Some synonyms of the word chump would be: rude, cobblestone, zote, dumb, idiot, donkey, goose, naive, ignorant, stunned, simpleton, alelado, stubborn, stubborn, stubborn, short, rough, clumsy, fool, among others.