It is known as Zoroastrianism, a philosophy and religion that bases its doctrines on the instructions given by the Iranian prophet Zoroaster in whose honor it was named. Another name under which it is known is Mazdeism, a name that is due to its deity, which is Ahura Mazda, considered by his followers as the only uncreated creator of everything that exists. Its origin was in the city of Persia during the 6th century BC and its fundamental principle is the existence of good and evil. Later in the 8th century AD this philosophy was displaced by Islam, with the fall of the Sassanid Empire. The teachings of the prophet Zoroaster were based on moral natureand spiritual of the people, as well as of the encounter between the good and the evil, having the man the freedom to choose between what was good and bad.
This religion has its origins in the city of Persia during the Vl century BC, known today as Iran, this religion is characterized by being monotheistic that was present before Christianity, as well as Islam and Judaism. This philosophy focuses on defending a life based on good thoughts, good actions and the freedom that each person has to choose between good and bad. When man manages to reach the afterlife, he will have to give an account of everything he did in life to the god Ahura Mazda.
According to the philosophy of Zoroastrianism, the world is similar to a scenario in which good and evil are in constant battle and the destiny of each person is linked to their choice between the forces of good or evil. According to their tradition, there is always a tension between the two forces, which originated from the confrontation that took place between Ahura Mazda and his rival Angra Mainyu, which would be an equivalent to what Satan is in Christianity.
For its part, the Daena expresses the real order of the universe and this order is known to humanity through the instructions given by the prophet Zoroaster. As far as moral teachings are concerned, Zoroastrianism promotes equality among all human beings, respect for nature and all its components as well as all forms of life and a behavior that is based on charity and loyalty..