
What is Zuism? »Its definition and meaning


This is recently called "the new religion of Iceland", this theological organization was founded only three years ago, (specifically in 2013), it is usually made up of a number of individuals who do not practice any religion to evade taxes imposed in said country. The nation of Iceland obliges its inhabitants to register what religion they belong to, once the population is census, a monthly discount of approximately US $ 80 is given to them, the collection of this money is directed to cover all the expenses that the companies have. churches or temples of each religion that is practiced, so that no individual is cheated on theological grounds; for their part, all inhabitants are obliged to register in a religion regardless of whether they declare themselves "atheists", or that they do not strictly practice any of the dogmas.

Due to this a considerable group of people, tired of granting a monthly financing to all those churches that simply do not visit, or for a religion that they do not practice, created Zuism, where the fundamental pillars of this dogma is the function of returning all the money that has been granted to them by the government, to the benefactors that had been obligatorily discounted from them. The Zuists state that they specifically believe in four gods: An (god of the sky), Ki (god of the earth), Enlil (god of wind) and Enki (god of water), these defend against the authorities that have the following belief: the universe is controlled by the power of four gods Possessing human form, however, they are totally immortal and work using supernatural forces on earth.

The new religion itself does not present an organization with respect to the rituals destined for the praise of its gods, they simply state that their masses begin with an ancient poetry by which mention is made of the four previously mentioned gods; In addition to this, through prayers originated by their own imagination, communication with the god that they feel most identified is practiced. In order to legalize their existence, the Zuists ask the government to grant funds for the manufacture of their “temple” (ziggurat), upon receiving the money it is redistributed to the members of the religion.