
Tricks for the Mi band 7. Get the most out of it with the iPhone

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Tricks for the Xiaomi Mi band 7

Surely you have already read the unboxing article of the Mi Band 7 and you know the basics. But, don't you feel like me giving you some tricks to get the most out of it?.

We have given all the settings and configurations of the bracelet a spin to bring you tips with which to get the most out of this great accessory for iPhone. Undoubtedly, one of the best in terms of quality-price.

Tricks for the Xiaomi Mi Band 7:

Let's go with it. You may know some of them, but others you probably don't. Keep reading.

Set the smart alarm:

If you have trouble getting out of bed like me This is your trick. This version of the Xiaomi bracelet can learn from your schedules in order to optimize the time you wake up, through its famous vibrations, 10 minutes before or after the time that you set as the ideal time to start the day. This smart system works in conjunction with sleep monitoring and is ideal for waking you up at a time when it's easier for you to get out of bed.

Smart alarm Mi Band 7

How to save battery on the Mi Band 7:

It may sound simple, but I honestly think it's a great trick to keep in mind. Despite the fact that the battery lasts a looooong time, I think that battery saving is always interesting. To do this, you must choose a sphere without too many accessory elements, with a small hour size, and few colors.In addition, if you eliminate the activation of the screen with the rotation of the wrist, you will have an extra saving, which will affect battery consumption.

Still want more battery life? Swipe up to find the option: Settings. Once inside, select: Battery Saving Mode. Attention with this! With this mode activated, the Mi Band 7 will only record steps and basic sleep information.

Customize vibrations:

At this point, we have to start using the Zepp Life app. If you don't have it, download it from here.

We open it, and enter through the bottom: Profile, Device, bracelet settings, Vibration menu. Here we can choose the type of vibration that we want for different notices, such as calls, alarms, events or incoming SMS. By clicking on Add, you will simply have to tap on the screen to configure the vibration that you prefer.Personalization to power.

Create completely personalized spheres with your photos:

It never rains to everyone's liking, and we can't do anything about this. But if you don't like the background of this gadget, we do have a solution. This Xiaomi mi band 7 trick will allow us to change the wallpaper. Through the app you can change between the different spheres that the company offers or, even if you don't like any of them, you can use your own images to create a sphere that nobody will have.

The operation is the same that we already told you about in the mi band 6 tricks article.

Select the time the Band 7 screen stays on:

We are still looking to maximize battery life. More than being among the tricks of the Mi Band 7, it should be more than that. If you see that you do not make it to the end of the day, or you are simply away from home and you do not have a charger, you can do this: Through the bracelet, swipe up to invoke the menu, go to Settings and, once inside, click Display menu, and lastly, screen duration.This is where you can adjust the number of seconds it takes for it to turn off.

Screen duration on Mi Band 7

Use Xiaomi Band Night Mode:

This trick makes my mind go to do not disturb on the Apple Watch. What is it for? Well, it will help you rest when night comes. In this way we will prevent notifications from disturbing our rest except, logically, the alarm.

Let's activate it: From the mobile app, we enter Profile, Device tab and within the bracelet settings, we enter the Night Mode menu. Here, you can choose whether to activate or deactivate it, but nevertheless, the option that I recommend the most is that you schedule its use during the period in which you usually rest.

Night mode on Mi Band 7

In the next article we will give this Mi Band 7 a hard time. Swimming, hiking, battery life test If you want us to do a specific test, leave it to us in the comments!

Buy Mi band 7 at discount